Using Google Maps and Google Earth in Education
I’ve chosen to review Google Maps and Google Earth. Both of these tools are similar in that they are geospatial tools (GST). One can access Google Maps using a web browser with internet access. Google Earth also has a web browser plugin function (Fairey, 2022). However, Google Earth can also be downloaded and saved on the computer. In my class, I have requested for IT support to push the app onto my students’ ipads. It can also be used on android devices through downloading them on the Play Store. Picture a globe on the Geography teacher’s desk - that’s old. These days, we have the globe literally in our hands. Google Maps and Google Earth shows a “digital globe”, a form of geospatial tool (GST), among other tools such as geographic information system (GIS), remote sensing (RS) and global positioning system (GPS) that allows one to visualize and also make analyses spatially (Avila, et. al., 2021). I use Google Maps everyd...